Pearl of Wisdom

Imam 'Ali (AS) passed on a judgment between two people whom one was put in jail and the other killed, and he (AS) said, 'The killer is to be killed and the other is to be jailed until he dies with dismay the same way he jailed the prisoner and made him die in dismay.'

Imam Ja'far ibn Muhammad al-Sadiq [as]
Kitab man la yahdurahi al-Faqih, v. 4, p. 115

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Question : #723 Category: Fasting / Sawm / Roza
Subject: penalty
Question: Salam
What is the penalty for not repaying one's missed fast (due to menstrual period) before the start of the new ramadhan? Can you give the $ amount and to which organisation can we give the money to?

Thank you.
Melbourne, Aus
Answer: If a person does not give the qaza of his fast until the next Ramadhan, they should give 750 grams of food (wheat or bread or rice) to the poor for each missed day.

This can at the value of $12 and can be arranged at your local Mosque.

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