Pearl of Wisdom

that Prophet Moses (AS) addressed Allah, saying, my Lord, guide me to an action the performance of which will earn me Your good pleasure.' So Allah revealed to him, ?O son of Amran, verily My pleasure lies in that which you will be averse to and you will not be able to endure it.' So Moses fell prostrate, weeping and cried out, my Lord! You have selected me to speak to when You have not spoken to any before me, and yet You do not guide me to that action by which I may earn Your pleasure!' So Allah revealed to him, 'Verily My pleasure lies in your pleasure with whatever I decree.'

Bihar al-Anwar
Bihar al-Anwar, v. 82, p. 134, no. 17

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Question : #721 Category: Marriage - Nikkah
Subject: marriage
Question: can a hindu girl marry a muslim boy without changing her faith.and will they be commiting adultery if she doesnt convert?
Answer: Salaam,

According to Islamic Sharia, a Muslim man is permitted to only marry those of the Muslim, Christian, Jewish and Zoroastrian (People of the Book).

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