Pearl of Wisdom

'By the One Who holds Muhammad's soul in His Grasp! Verily one knowledgeable man is more difficult for Satan to bear than seventy worshippers, for the worshipper serves himself whilst the knowledgeable man serves others.'

Prophet Muhammad al-Mustafa [sawa]
Kanz al-'Ummal, no. 28908

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Question : #719 Category: Fasting / Sawm / Roza
Subject: Swallowing Mucus
Question: Is it permissible to swallow mucus, for example when we cough, mucus comes up to our throats and we sometimes swallow it by accident?
Jazakallah Khayr
Answer: It is preferable for the fasting person not to swallow mucous or phlegm that has reached the mouth, although it is permissible for him to swallow it.
imilarly, it is permissible for him to swallow the saliva that has gathered in the mouth, even in large quantities.

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