Pearl of Wisdom

in his description of the most wonderful thing in man, which is the heart, said, 'If it comes across riches, freedom from need makes it rebellious. If calamity befalls it, it is humbled by anguish.'

Imam Ali ibn Abi Talib [as]
Nahj al-Balagha, Saying 108

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Question : #710 Category: Wudhu / Ghusal
Subject: water reaching to the head
Question: Is it true that while doing massa water it should not reach the water of the head or the wuzu will be broken?
Answer: If I have understood your question correctly, the wuzu would become void if fresh water is used after the wiping of the right hand.
Follow Up
salam, plz correct me if I am wrong. to my understanding the wudu is in two parts,
1. washing the face and arms from elbows
2. wiping the head and feet

in my wudu I do not take further water after washing my left arm the second time, and wipe the head (trying to avoid touching the forhead) with the left over water.

I do not understand the wiping of the right hand in your answer please reiterate.

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