Pearl of Wisdom

'He who does not deal amicably with someone for whom amicableness is the only option is not a wise person.?

Imam Ali ibn Abi Talib [as]
Tuhaf al-'Uqul, p. 218

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Question : #709 Category: Salaat / Prayers
Subject: Passing wind from the rear
Question: My son while reciting namaz he says that when he is about to pass gas (Passing wind from the rear) he stops till he finishes his namaz is it possible because my sir had said that it cannot be stoped and it will pass out eventually can scientifically it can be stoped and the namaz is not broken ?
Answer: Sallam aleakum wa rahmatollah.
about your question I have to say it depends on the body of that person.
but yes one can stop it.
but if the gas has passed yes it means that the Wodoo is Batil.

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