Pearl of Wisdom

'Be on your guard that the extremists do not corrupt your youth, for verily the extremists are the most evil of Allah's creation for they belittle the Greatness of Allah, and falsely attribute divinity to the servants of Allah. The extremist may return to us but we do not accept him again, whereas we do accept he who is incapable when he tries to adhere to us. At this, he was asked, 'How can that be O son of the Prophet (SAWA)?' to which he replied, 'Because the extremist has become accustomed to abandoning the prayer, the alms-tax, fasting, the pilgrimage, and cannot give up his habit and return to Allah's obedience ever again, whereas he who is incapable, when he attains inner knowledge, begins to act and carry out acts of obedience.?

Imam Ja'far ibn Muhammad al-Sadiq [as]
Amali al-Tusi, p. 650, no. 1349

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Question : #704 Category: Miscellaneous
Subject: Best deeds/acts
Question: As-Salāmu Alaykum
Hope all is fine.

What are some of the best deeds a muslim can do and Allah loves?

Fee amanilah
Answer: Alaykum Salaam,
The only path that could lead a wayfarer towards perfection and may help him in his ascend towards God's Nearness is obedience to revelations and following the path shown by Divine Prophets. The path which they followed themselves has been defined as performance of mandatory (wajibat) and recommended (Nawafil wa Mustahabbat) religious deeds which are called righteous deeds.

Some of righteous deeds as follows: 1. First - Obligatory Prayers
The Prayer is one of the best means for undertaking spiritual migration towards God-Almighty and attaining the exalted position of His-nearness. Imam al-Ridha (A) has said:
"The prayer is a means of attaining Gods nearness for every righteous human being."

2. Second -Supererogatory Prayers (Nawafil)
A human being at any time, any place, and under all conditions may be benefited from this great blessing and may establish a quick communication with God-Almighty. The Commander of the Faithful Imam Ali (A) has said:
"Supererogatory Prayer (Nafilah) results in a believer's becoming near to God-Almighty."

3. Third-Night Prayer
Among various recommended deeds (Nawafil) the Night Prayer carries special distinction, and the Holy Quran and traditions have made lots of emphasis and recommendations for its performance. God-Almighty says to Holy Prophet:
"And some part of the night awake for it, a largess for thee. It may be that thy Lord will raise thee to a praised estate." (17:59)

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