Pearl of Wisdom

'Every single thing has a measure or a weight, except for tears; for one drop of them can extinguish seas of Fire. If an eye is filled with tears, the face will never be burdened with neediness or humiliation; and if it floods with tears then Allah will make it unlawful for the Fire to touch it. Indeed, if a teary man cries for a community, they all receive mercy.'

Imam Ja'far ibn Muhammad al-Sadiq [as]
Bihar al-Anwar, v. 93, p. 331, no. 14

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Question : #697 Category: Imam Mahdi
Subject: Dua Faraj
Question: Salamun Alaikum:
I wanted to inquire about the importance of reciting dua Faraj. In the dua we ask God to protect our imam and cause him to live for a long time.

My question is: God is the protector of our living Imam, why do we have to supplicate so that God could grant our prayers and protect the imam? And doesn't God have everything planned to how many years the Imam will rule on the earth, why do we have to read this dua and ask God for this?

Please elaborate more on the significance of this Dua.

Thanks for your time

Our Sheikh will respond to this question in the coming days Insha'Allah, check again soon

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