Pearl of Wisdom

'The Prophet (SAWA) upright until his heart is upright, and his heart will not be upright until his tongue is upright.' So, whoever from among you is able to meet his Lord being pure at ease from the blood and property of Muslims and their money, and his tongue free from their honour, then they should do so.'

Imam Ali ibn Abi Talib [as]
Nahj al-Baldgha, Sermon 176

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Question : #683 Category: Marriage - Nikkah
Subject: Marriage
Question: Our Prophet SAW says that the namaz of a married person is worth more than that of a single person. But what if you are just not lucky enough to get married? Thats not your fault is it?
Answer: It's correct that the Prophet Muhammad (saw) has been narrated in Kanz al Ummal, no. 44448 "...two units of prayer performed by a married person is better than seventy units performed by an unmarried person"

If you are in position to get married, then this hadith serves as a incentive to follow through with it.

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