Pearl of Wisdom

'Those of you who will have the firmest footing on the Bridge are those who have the strongest love for my household.'

Prophet Muhammad al-Mustafa [sawa]
Fadd'il al-Shi'a, p. 48, no. 3

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Question : #676 Category: Hajj & Umrah
Subject: reaching muzdalfah aft sunrise
Question: salamelykum.i performed haj wd my old parents&after waqoof in arafat frm zohar to maghrib we took a bus for muzdalfah.but the bus stoppd aft a short journey bc the buses ahead of it weren,t moving.afterthat slowly slowly buses started to move but continously stopping in we reachd muzdalfa after sunrise.we did niyat of stayingin muzdalfa & other dua while sitting in the bus &moved directly to mina.what is ur eminent opinion for us to do for this stay in muzdalfah and is our haj right or wrong.
Answer: The wuquf at Muzdalifah must be with the intention of attaining nearness to Allah alone, as is the case for wuquf at Arafat.

There are appointed and alternative periods of stay at Arafat and Muzdalifah, and if you managed to hold wuquf at Arafat during the appointed period and the alternative period in Muzdalifah, then your Hajj is undoubtedly valid.
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