Pearl of Wisdom

'Whoever memorizes forty traditions from which my community benefits in their religious affairs, Allah will raise him on the Day of Resurrection as a learned jurist and a scholar.'

Prophet Muhammad al-Mustafa [sawa]
Ibid. p. 156, no. 10

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Question : #664 Category: Women's Issues
Subject: haez
Question: salam
i took the haez shower and went and did my prayers then i realised that i had a little drop of blood does this means that my prayer didn't work and i have to take shower again?

may god bless you
Answer: sallam aleakum wa rahmatullah.
thank you for you question;
but if you can tell us when this happened (how many days after your period stars) it would be better.
because it is depends on what day that happened.
it might be heaz or istehaza.
ya Ali.

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