Pearl of Wisdom

'No petty sin remains when persisted upon, and no grave sin remains when repented for' [i.e. the petty sin can be cancelled with persistence and furtherance in it, hence becoming a grave sin, and the grave sin can be annulled with repentance].'

Prophet Muhammad al-Mustafa [sawa]
Bihar al-Anwar, v. 73, p. 355, no. 62

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Question : #659 Category: Holy Qur'an
Subject: leap year
Question: salam alikum
in the quran the word year is mentioned 19 time and it say on this site that it is meant for the leap year. in lunar and solar calendar, leap year is only four years. does this means that the solar and lunar calendar is wrong?
Answer: Sallam aleakum wa rahmatullah.
thank you for your question ;
but if you can tell us where in the "website" you "saw" it, so we can see it in order to understand your question.
thank you.
ya Ali.

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