Pearl of Wisdom

Sa'd b. Ibrahim narrates from his father who said, 'The first person to deliver a sermon from the pulpit was Prophet Abraham (AS) when Prophet Lot (AS) was captured by the Romans and Abraham fought with them till he rescued him from the Romans.'

Prophet Muhammad al-Mustafa [sawa]
al-Durr al-Manthur, v. 1, p. 282

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Question : #654 Category: Fasting / Sawm / Roza
Subject: dua before breaking the fast
Question: what is the dua for breaking the fast? can you suggest a site or book so i can learn?
Answer: Salam

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hitchens was a genius of our time&was a free unraefing person.his beliefs are his alone, as shld be mine yours and who evers.What difference does it make if someone likes/dislikes the quran or bible?it shld'ntaffect you what anyones opinion is- I am sure it does not bother God/Allah.If someone said Allah/God condemns his creation for having an opinion then God didnt do a very good job in creating us.who wld ask their offspring to bow down, sing&worship them?????
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Justin Bieber and Selena Gomez caused quite the stir in Texas over the weekend when they were spotted at a local dance studio. As Celebuzz exclusively reported the pair were “dancing together and playing around,” and now the dating duo is giving us a ..
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