Pearl of Wisdom

The lover's eye is blind to the defects of the beloved, and his ear is deaf to the ugliness of his misdeeds.'

Imam Ali ibn Abi Talib [as]
Ghurar al-Hikam, no. 6314

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Question : #649 Category: Major Sins
Subject: how to repent?
Question: I am in great trouble.I did a terrible sin and I know there is nothing i can do to erase it.A few days back i was dejected and in that state of despair I said i don't believe in ALLAH (NAUZUBILLAH). I don't know how these words came out of my mouth.I can't believe this and i have no power to face ALLAH ALMIGHTY now.Please help me if there is any way to repent on it.Am I out of ISLAM now?please help me.Thank you.
Answer: You must repent by saying Astaghfurallahu rabi waa tubuilay to Allah sincerely and control your anger and tongues in a state of despair.

Allah forgives all sins as long as it does not become a habit

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