Pearl of Wisdom

when asked who the most wretched of all people was, replied, 'He who sells his Hereafter for someone else's profit in this world.'

Imam Ali ibn Abi Talib [as]
Amali al-Saduq, p. 478, no. 644

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Question : #649 Category: Major Sins
Subject: how to repent?
Question: I am in great trouble.I did a terrible sin and I know there is nothing i can do to erase it.A few days back i was dejected and in that state of despair I said i don't believe in ALLAH (NAUZUBILLAH). I don't know how these words came out of my mouth.I can't believe this and i have no power to face ALLAH ALMIGHTY now.Please help me if there is any way to repent on it.Am I out of ISLAM now?please help me.Thank you.
Answer: You must repent by saying Astaghfurallahu rabi waa tubuilay to Allah sincerely and control your anger and tongues in a state of despair.

Allah forgives all sins as long as it does not become a habit

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