Pearl of Wisdom

?O 'Ali, do not get angry, and if you do get angry, then sit down and reflect upon the power of your Lord over His creation and His clemency towards them. And whenever anyone tells you [condescendingly) to fear Allah, expel your anger and remind yourself of your clemency.'

Prophet Muhammad al-Mustafa [sawa]
Tuhaf al-'Uqul, p. 14

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Question : #647 Category: Miscellaneous
Subject: Beard
Question: IS there any ruling for keeping a beard? if no, then can i have the so-called French beard?
Answer: Salam Alaykum

You must go and ask the fatwa regarding your marja but Ayatollah Sistani considers it haram to shave the beard based obligatory precaution.

With Prayers
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I follow Ayatollah Sistani. Does that mean that French beard is also haram?

Thank u for ur response.
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