Pearl of Wisdom

'The peak of justice is for a person to be just in himself.'

Imam Ali ibn Abi Talib [as]
Ibid. no. 6368

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Question : #643 Category: Holy Qur'an
Subject: Seeking cure through Quran
Question: In the name of God, the All Mighty and Powerful

I have just 1 question regarding seeking cure through Quran.

If someone is psychologically and physically abnormal, so he seeks its cure through various chapters and verses of the Quran with the intention of becoming normal from abnormality.

Are Surah Fatiha, the 4 Quls followed by Ayatul Kursi the best option to seek cure through Quran?

And what else would you recommend, for example Taawiz or Istikhara?

Thank You All
Answer: Salaam Alaykum,

I recommend this page - - which mentions the merits and benefits of reciting various Surahs and Ayahs.

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