Pearl of Wisdom

When al-Qa'im will rise, faith will be presented to every person who declares enmity towards the Ahl al-Bayt. If he enters it truly [well and good], but if not, then he will be beheaded lest he pays the poll-tax as do the people of the covenant today. A girdle will be tied onto his waist and he will be exiled from the towns to its outskirts.'

Imam Muhammad ibn Ali al-Baqir [as]
al-Kafi, v. 8, p. 221, no. 288

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Question : #631 Category: Food & Drinks
Subject: eating lobster
Question: Is it halal to eat a lobster?
Answer: According to Sayyed Sistani, unscaled fish are haram to consume and as a result it is not permissible to eat lobster.

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