Pearl of Wisdom

He who does not keep a promise has no religion.'

Prophet Muhammad al-Mustafa [sawa]
al-Nawadir al-Rawandi, p. 91, no. 27

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Question : #618 Category: Zakaat & Khums
Subject: Khums
Question: Salam,
Can you please clarify a question regarding the below fatwa?

"One part is Sehme Sadaat, it should be given to a Sayyid who is poor, or orphan, or who has become stranded without money during his journey. "

Does the above mean,
a) "Sayyid who is poor, Sayyid who is an orphan or Sayyid who has become stranded"?
b) "Sayid who is poor, or orphan regardless of being Sayyid, or one who has become stranded regardless of being Sayid"?

If a) who can we give our khums to considering there aren't any poor sayids in Australia compared to non sayid orphans in Afghanistan?
Answer: Salam

Saham Sadat is only for poor sayed.

Khums must be given to your marja Taqled and he knows best on how to spend it for the Muslimeen.

With Prayers

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