Pearl of Wisdom

when he set out to pray for rain, 'Allah tries His servants when they commit evil deeds, with shortage of crops, disallowance of blessings and closing the treasury of bounties, so that a repenting man may repent, a man likely to quit may quit, a man likely to remember may remember, and a man likely to be deterred may be deterred.?

Imam Ali ibn Abi Talib [as]
Nahj al-Balagha, Sermon 143

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Question : #605 Category: Islamic History
Subject: Youm al-Quds
Question: 1) Is it obligatory to participate in the Youm al-Quds demonstrations? If yes, is it wajib al kifaa'i or wajib al-'aini?

2) If someone has to travel in another country for participating in Youm al-Quds-demonstration, and has to break his wajib fast (of ramadan), what is the ruling for the fast of this day?

3) Is it obligatory to participate for someone, who has to travel into another city to take part in al-Quds-demonstration?
Answer: 1) All believers are required to hold this ceremony as much glorious as possible through their active participation in this demonstration.
2) They have to make up for that missed fast later.
3) It is made clear in the answer above.
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Check that off the list of tinhgs I was confused about.
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