Pearl of Wisdom

'Friendship can only succeed when its conditions are fulfilled, and he who fulfils all or some of these conditions may be befriended, and if not, then do not attribute any of your friendship to him. The first of these conditions is that he should treat you in public the same as he treats you in private. Secondly, that your source of pride is a source of pride for him, and your source of shame is a source of shame for him too. Thirdly, that neither position nor wealth should change him towards you. Fourthly, that he must not prevent you from obtaining that which you have the capacity for, and fifthly and this sums up all the other qualities that he must not give up on you in. times of misfortune.?

Imam Ja'far ibn Muhammad al-Sadiq [as]
Ibid. v. 78, p. 249, no. 90

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Question : #604 Category: Family Issues
Subject: Adopting a child
Question: Asalaam Alaikum. Is adoption of an orphan allowed in Islam? If yes, under what conditions? I am a Muslimah, 25 years old and unmarried. I always wanted to adopt a zateem from a Muslim country but was unsure if it's allowed.
Answer: It is permissible for a person to 'adopt' a child, but the child is not considered his son or daughter; the child remains a stranger (non-mahram) to him or his wife and he or she does not inherit the person who has adopted him or her. Also the childs lineage has to be preserved.

Here adoption in the sense of claiming a child as your own son or daughter and getting an ID card for him or her in your name is not permissible, however, there is no Ishkaal (objection) in taking care of a child, raising him or her and showing love and care.
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If I breastfeed the child when he/she is under the age of 2, through induced lactation, will that create a "milk kinship"? Would that lead the child (if I adopt a boy) to become a mahram so I wouldn't have to observe hijab in front of him?
And also in certain circumstances, a baby is not named, what would I do in that situation? Would it then be permissible to give her/him my last name?
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