Pearl of Wisdom

So He sent His messengers among them and He sent prophets one after another to help lead them to the covenant of their innate nature, and to remind them of His blessings that they have forgotten, to show them proofs through propagation, to extract for them the treasures of their intellects, and to show them the signs of His potential.'

Imam Ali ibn Abi Talib [as]
Nahj al-Balagha, Sermon 1

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Question : #598 Category: Miscellaneous
Subject: copyright softwares
Question: can a person use pirated software for islamic and other personal use not for sins or make a copy of it but not to sell it as you know that original softwere is costly even operating systems like windows XP windows 7 can be brought pirated what does ayatullah sistani says baout this?
Answer: According to Sayyed Sistani, copyrights must be respected; it is not permissible to copy a software product, if it is against the law.

So if someone else has cracked the software, you can use it but you are not allowed to copy or burn it into another compact disc.
Follow Up
"So if someone else has cracked the software, you can use it but you are not allowed to copy or burn it into another compact disc. "

So this clearly means it is OK to buy/get Stolen things from your friend, because you didn't stole them. but you are not allowed to pass on the stolen things? This doesn't seems right at all.


Secondly everyone has to agree to the End user license agreement while installing any software, that clearly mentions copyright laws, what you say then?

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