Pearl of Wisdom

'Among the definitions of the custodianship of an Imam whose obedience is committing mistakes, errors, intentional wrongs, and from all sins, petty and grave. He never makes mistakes or sin, and neither is he ever diverted from the issues that endanger the religion by any sort of diversion. He is the most knowledgeable of all people about what Allah has made lawful and unlawful, His obligations, recommendations and rulings. He stands needless of the entire world whilst they all need him. And he is the most generous and courageous of men.'

Imam Ali ibn Abi Talib [as]
Bihar al-Anwar, v. 25, p. 164

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Question : #596 Category: Miscellaneous
Subject: seeing the dead in a dream
Question: if someone who has passed away comes in your dream, does that mean they themselves have chosen to come in your dream and what they say in the dream is true? is it really actually them in the dream or is the dream a lie made by shaytan?
Answer: none of the dreams that we have dreamt has any base on our jurisprudencial laws, but according to the narration of our Ahlul-bayt shaytan can not come present himself in the dreams as the ahlul-bayt

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