Pearl of Wisdom

'Hearts are won over through good-doing.'

Imam Ali ibn Abi Talib [as]
Ibid. no. 4339

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Question : #593 Category: Miscellaneous
Subject: question about
Question: dont feel bad if a ask who answers our question in your website and the fiqh masail that are answered on which ayatullah?
Answer: Salaam Alaykum,

Thank you for your question - the Ask Qul section of the site is answered by a number of Sheikhs and Scholars.
They are as shown on the About Ask Qul page:
Sheikh Hamid Waqar, Sheikh Hamza Sodagar, Sheikh Jehad Ismail, Sheikh Zaid al Salami & Professor Hassanain Rajabali.

Majority of the questions are answered based on the Fatwa's of Ayatollah Sayyid Sistani & Ayatollah Sayyed Khamenei.

Qul Team.

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