Pearl of Wisdom

'Allah Almighty has said, 'Whoever becomes sick three times and does not complain to any of his visitors, I change his flesh to flesh better than what he has and blood better than his blood. If I cure him, then I will cure him and he will have no sin, and if I take him [in death], I will take him to My Mercy.'

Prophet Muhammad al-Mustafa [sawa]
Ibid. v. 3, p. 115, no. 1

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Question : #592 Category: Family Issues
Subject: Fathers permission for marriage
Question: If my father does not accept me - as his son - getting married, is the marriage still accepted by Allah?
Answer: Your fathers acceptance does not affect the validity of your marriage since it is not mandatory for the son to have his fathers permission in getting married but try to convince him of your decision since the father has a great position of respect and appreciation from his children in the Islamic point of view.

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