Pearl of Wisdom

when asked about the lowest degree of wastefulness said, 'The lowest degree of wastefulness is to wear one's formal finery as casual wear at home, to spill out the remains of a container [instead of finishing it], and to eat the date and you throw the pits away here and there.'

Imam Ja'far ibn Muhammad al-Sadiq [as]
al-Kafi, v. 4, p. 56, no. 10

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Question : #589 Category: Sexual Ethics & Morals
Subject: obligatory to have sex with wife?
Question: Is it obligatory on the husband to have sex with his wife?
Answer: It is not permissible for the husband to abandon sexual intercourse with his permanent wife, once every four months in the usual way to satisfy her sexual need.

It is obligatory with the temporary wife based on compulsory precaution.

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