Pearl of Wisdom

'Prosperous is he who is sincere in his acts of obedience.'

Imam Ali ibn Abi Talib [as]
Ghurar al-Hikam, no. 1293

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Question : #585 Category: Family Issues
Subject: How to name a child?
Question: What is the recommended way by the infallible imams to name a baby?
Answer: Some narrations stated that it is recommended to name by the names of the prophets and the names that refer to the slavery of the lord like "Abdullah", also it has been reported the emphasize on certain names like Muhammad, Ali, Hasan, Hussein, Jafer, Talib and Hamza and amongst the female names, Fatima.
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Salam alaikum,,to name a child names that begins with DHUL like dhul kifli, in islam is it good?

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