Pearl of Wisdom

'There are three things that are obligatory for a governor, both towards the elite and the general public: rewarding the good-doer with goodness so that he increases in his desire to perform it, forgiving the sins of the wrongful so that he can repent and return from his rebellion, and encompassing all people with goodness and fairness.'

Imam Ja'far ibn Muhammad al-Sadiq [as]
Tuhaf dl-'Uqul, p. 319

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Question : #583 Category: Major Sins
Subject: sex outside of marriage
Question: I committed a big sin and had sex outside the marriage, and after that I am now not able to concentrate, everything gone upside down, and I am feeling so guilty about myself, only one thing is coming in my mind that I cannot live with this guilty anymore and want to finish myself.
Answer: It is not correct to commit a greater sin because of committing a lighter one, since committing suicide is greater than adultery.

You should repent from what you have done as Almighty Allah forgives all sins. You can guard yourself by getting satisfied through marriage whether it is permanent or temporary. May Allah help you pass this hardship.

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