Pearl of Wisdom

The speed of amity between the hearts of pious people when they meet even if they do not show their mutual love on their tongues is like the speed of the rain water when it mixes with the water of rivers. And the distance between the hearts of the wicked when they meet even if they make a show of love on their tongues is like the distance between beasts that cannot have mutual affection no matter how long they eat from the same trough.'

Imam Ja'far ibn Muhammad al-Sadiq [as]
Tuhaf al-'Uqul, p. 373

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Question : #578 Category: Dress & Clothing
Subject: What is hijab
Question: What is hijab? Can you give a straight answer
Answer: The term 'hijab' (veil; obstacle) is rather a new term used nowadays to express woman's Islamic dress code.
The traditional term used by our jurists is 'Satr' which means to cover.

Anyway, whatever you name the issue, Hijab is a social etiquette prescribed by all divine religions to provide a safe and professional relationship between the opposite sexes. It must be noted that before Islam speaks about women's covering in public, it has spoken about men's lowering their gaze.
(Refer to Surat Noor, Ayah 30-31).

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