Pearl of Wisdom

'Allah, Mighty and Exalted says, 'I will cut off the expectation of every believer who places it in someone other than Me [and replace it] with despair.'

Prophet Muhammad al-Mustafa [sawa]
Sahifat al-Imam al-Rida (AS), p. 276, no. 20

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Question : #576 Category: Social Interaction
Subject: How are tattoos allowed
Question: How can tattoos be halal if they are morally wrong?

Isn't this encouraging the youth to get ink on their bodies which is permanent for the rest of their lives, and viewed by society in a low level?
Answer: In order for our jurists to say something is Haraam, they need to have a valid evidence from the Quran or the Hadeeth stating its prohibition.

We don't have any such evidence for the prohibition of tattoo by itself. A mere permanent colour on the body does not make the action Haraam. People do plastic surgery and change their look permanently which has more change in the body than tattoo, and no one questions its permissibility.

Yes, putting tattoos under two circumstances could be Haraam:

1. If putting tattoos in a society is a label for a prohibited group such as the gay community and the like, then because of the second title, it becomes Haraam. In fact, even wearing a type of clothing that labels the person as a member of such groups is Haraam. The question however is whether tattoos are a trademark for such prohibited groups or not. The answer rests with the individuals.

2. If the holy names are tattooed on the body, then because the body naturally gets Najis (impure) often, then it is understood that as if the person is deliberately making holy names Najis.

And Allah knows best.

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