Pearl of Wisdom

'Solemnity is the adornment of the intellect.'

Imam Ali ibn Abi Talib [as]
Ghurar al-Hikam, no. 270

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Question : #566 Category: Miscellaneous
Subject: Female Shaheed?
Question: Can a girl be a shaheed/martyr (one who gains Allah's forgiveness and goes to Heaven), if she is in the the Air Force or Army of her Islamic Country and then is killed in battle?
Answer: I status of Shahid/Martyr is not dependent on gender, so both sexes can achieve this great position.

Regardless of battle, if one is to be killed in the 'Way of Allah' then their ultimate status is one of a martyr. To highlight this, If a mother passes away during birth, her status is one of those died in the way of Allah.

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