Pearl of Wisdom

If people were to earn whence Allah has ordered them to and spend it in that which He has forbidden, then He will not accept it from them. And if they earn what Allah has prohibited them from and spend it in that which He has ordered them to, He will not accept it from them either unless they take it from its rightful place and spend it in its rightful place.'

Imam Ja'far ibn Muhammad al-Sadiq [as]
Kitab man Id yahdurahi al-Faqih, v. 2, p. 57, no. 1694

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Question : #564 Category: Dua / Supplications
Subject: Asma Allah
Question: I read in a 99 Names of Allah book that if you have a task to complete but are unsure about its feasibility, you should read the name of Allah - Ya badeeu before falling asleep and you will receive guidance from Allah in a dream. I have done this, with Wudhu and facing towards Qiblah when sleeping, but it has not worked. What should I do?
Answer: Salam Alaykum

Doing such prayers and actions are good but not a condition in getting guidance.
If you want to get guidance from Allah we must go to the Representatives of God which is the Prophet and Imams. During the occultation of Imam Zaman we go to the Maraja or Islamic Scholars who are certified by the Hawza or Islamic Seminaries in either Qom or Najaf and ask those who have studied there to give us Guidance in our daily or personal affairs.

With Prayers

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