Pearl of Wisdom

?O Ibn Mas'ud, be wary of the intoxication brought about by sin, for verily the sin intoxicates just as much as alcohol if not more. Allah, most High, says, Deaf, dumb, and blind, they will not come back.'

Prophet Muhammad al-Mustafa [sawa]
Makarim al-Akhlaq, v. 2, p. 352, no. 266

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Question : #559 Category: Salaat / Prayers
Subject: Salaat Tahajjud
Question: Salaam
If I read Salaat Tahajjud, should i not read witr with Isha' prayer, and read the witr instead after Salaat Tahajjud? Does Salaat Tahajjud still count if you pray it 3 hours before Fajr, then go to sleep after praying it, and then wake up at Fajr time? Or does Tahajjud have to be just before Fajr?
Answer: Alaykum Salaam,

I apologies if I haven't understood your question properly.

Q - If I read Salaat Tahajjud, should i not read witr with Isha' prayer, and read the witr instead after Salaat Tahajjud?
A - Salah Witr is part of Salatul Tahajjud / Salat ul Layl. As the prayer consists of 3 parts and a total of 11 Rakats.
Namaz-e-Shab (2 rakats) x 4
Namaz-e-Shafa (2 rakats) x 1
Namaz-e-Witr (1 rakat) x 1.
Hence it has no impact on Salat ul Isha.

Q - Does Salaat Tahajjud still count if you pray it 3 hours before Fajr, then go to sleep after praying it, and then wake up at Fajr time?
A - Yes it does.

Q - Or does Tahajjud have to be just before Fajr?
A - Time for Salatul Tahajjud ends at True Dawn (Fajr)

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