Pearl of Wisdom

'He [the hypocrite] will come on the Day of Judgment with two faces and with his tongue hanging out from the back of his head, and with another tongue hanging in front. They will both be ignited with fire until they ignite his body, then it will be said about him: This is the one who was twofaced and two-tongued in the world, and he will be known as such on the Day of Resurrection.'

Prophet Muhammad al-Mustafa [sawa]
al-Khisal, p. 38, no. 16

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Question : #553 Category: Death Issues
Subject: grave headstone words
Question: are there any rulings on what is/ is not permissable to write on a headstone?
Answer: There isn't any particular rulings on this matter, but it's encouraged to write the deceased full name, and verse(s)/ayah from the Holy Quran.

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