Pearl of Wisdom

in his letter to Malik al-Ashtar when he appointed him governor of Egypt, said, '[Fear] Allah and keep Allah in view with respect to the lowest class, consisting of those who have few means: the poor, the destitute, the penniless and the disabled; because in this class are both the discontented and those who beg. Take care, for the sake of Allah, of His obligations for which He has made you responsible. Fix for them a share from the public treasury... Take care of the affairs of those of them who do not approach you because they are of unsightly appearance or those whom people regard as low. Appoint for them some trusted people who are God-fearing and humble. They should inform you of these people's conditions. Then deal with them with a sense of responsibility to Allah on the Day you will meet Him, because of all the subjects, these people are the most deserving of equitable treatment, while for others also you should fulfil their rights so as to render account to Allah.'

Imam Ali ibn Abi Talib [as]
Ibid. Letter 53

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Question : #547 Category: Salaat / Prayers
Subject: praying behind unjust leader
Question: Salaam
There is only one Muslim teacher at our school and he is the one who leads the Jummah Prayer. We all know he does some things that are haraam, so can we still go to Jummah prayer? I only go because it is the only way we can read Jummah in school or we would miss Zuhr prayer. Or should I not go because he is not the right person to lead it? Thanks.
Answer: According to Sayyid Khameni and Sayyid Sistani, if one is aware that a prayer leader is not just/adl then he cannot pray behind him.

Given your question. it may be permissible to offer prayer in their congregational prayer. However, it is obligatory upon you to recite al-Hamd and Sura-e Tawhid yourself - be the recitation in low voice though.

Remember Allah knows what lies in our hearts, and we should not judge negatively on our brothers or sisters unless there is proven evidence.

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