Pearl of Wisdom

'How hideous is the human being whose outer is agreeable while his inner is hypocritical.'

Imam Ali ibn Abi Talib [as]
Ibid. no. 9559

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Question : #546 Category: Salaat / Prayers
Subject: making up missed prayers
Question: Assalam o Alaikum
I want to find out, how can I make up for the prayers I missed when I was younger and did not pray? I want to compensate for them all so that there is no punishment in the grave or on the day of judgement. I always pray now so I have repented. How can I make up for those prayers? Thank you.
Answer: Alaykum Salam.

To make up for missed prayers, one should recite 'Qadha Fajr' or 'Qadha Asr'.

One measure to ensure all missed prayers are recited, you can pray them similar to Nafilah prayers. Such that everyday after each prayer, you make up for the missed.
ie: After Farj, you recite Qadha Fajr and after Dhuhr you recire Qadha Dhuhr.

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