Pearl of Wisdom

'Generosity is the fruit of the intellect, and contentment is the proof of magnanimity.'

Imam Ali ibn Abi Talib [as]
Ghurar al-Hikam, no. 2145

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Question : #545 Category: Miscellaneous
Subject: reciting when in washroom
Question: As-salaam mulaikum. Are we allowed to recite kalma when washing hands in the washroom and can we reply to a "salaam" made by a brother in the washroom.
Answer: Salaams,
There are recommended supplications when entering the washroom, our Nobel Prophet (saw) recited
"Oh Allah, I seek refuge with You from the filth of the impurity of the evil of the reviled Shaitan. Oh Allah, Pull away from me all uncleanliness and protect me from the accursed Shaitan..." al Faqih 1:23 and 1:25.

And responding to a Salaam with a Walikum Salaam or Alaykum Salaam is obligatory if an intended Salaam was greeted to them.

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