Pearl of Wisdom

Any two believers who forsake each other for more than three days, I disassociate myself from them on the third day.' He was asked, ?O son of the Prophet, this is in regard to the one wronging, but what about the wronged?' He (SAWA) said, 'Well why doesn't the wronged one himself go to the wronger and say, 'I am in the wrong, until they reconcile?!'

Imam Muhammad ibn Ali al-Baqir [as]
Bihar al-Anwar, v. 75, p. 188, no. 10

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Question : #537 Category: Moon Sighting
Subject: Ramadhan moon crescent sighting
Question: If Ramadhan crescent is sighted in one city would it suffice the sighting in another city?
Answer: Should the new moon be sighted in a city, it would suffice the sighting in another city, provided the two fall on the same horizon.
That is, if the new moon was sighted in the first town, there would be a distinct possibility of sighting it in the second, barring any obstacles, such as clouds and high mountains.

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