Pearl of Wisdom

who was then a Zaydi, narrated, 'I went to Baghdad. While I was there, I saw the people congratulating each other all of a sudden, exchanging honourable greetings and standing up. I asked, 'What is this?' They replied, 'The son of al-Rida [has come].' Then I said, 'Indeed I must see him'. Then he appeared on a male or female donkey. I said, may the curse of Allah be upon the supporters of Imama who believe that Allah has made obedience to this [type of person] mandatory.' At that very moment, he turned to me and said, ?O sim b. 'Abd al-Rahman, Are we to follow a lone human from ourselves?! Indeed then we would be in error and madness. [He continued]: 'So I said to myself, 'A sorcerer, by Allah!', and he turned to me again, and said, Has the Reminder been cast upon him from among us? Rather he is a self-conceited liar. [He continued]: 'So I left, believing in Imama and bore witness that verily he is the proof of Allah on His creation and had faith in him.'

al-Qasim b. 'Abd al-Rahman,
Kashf al-Ghamma, v. 3, p. 153

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Question : #516 Category: Black Magic / Evil Eye
Subject: The eye pendant
Question: I have a question about the eye-pendant.
The eye pendant is widely used in countries like afghanistan, iran, pakistan , turkey etc... . It is believed to drive away evil eye.
I personally don't believe in this and everytime I have asked someone why they follow it, they have been unable to answer me with a convincing answer. How could an eye that is made by the hands of a human be then used to drive away black magic or evil eye ?

what do you recommend, use it or don't use it? and anything the Holy Quran says about this.

Answer: Salam alaykum
The concept of the 'evil eye' is a reality in Islamic thought, as in the Nahjul Balaghah we read "Injury by the evil eye is true and resorting to prayers to ward away its evils is true too."

That said, the only influence that an evil omen possesses is the psychological one. As Imam as-Sadiq (a.s.) has said in Ibid: "An evil omen affects only in the measure you consider it to possess. If you take it lightly, its influence would be trivial, but if you regard it seriously, it would affect you immensely and if you totally disregard it, it would have no effect."

The belief that a pendant will protect one from these forces is a form of Shirk/polytheism (relying on another force rather than Allah [swt]) as it has not been a prescribed as a tool to protect by His Messenger (pbuh) or the Ahl ul Bayt (as). The evil eye pendant is classic example of satanic deviations which has sprung into cultural rituals over time, which attempts to convince the people that the pendant will act as Wali or protector.

It is encouraged to promote to those who use the pendant to adopt a new approach such as placing the names and attributes of Allah (Al Asma Allah), or Ayah's from the Holy Book as an appropriate subsitute.


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