Pearl of Wisdom

'Let not the fear of people prevent any of you from speaking the truth, when he sees or witnesses it, for telling the truth or reminding [others] of a great event [the Hereafter] will neither hasten death nor delay sustenance.'

Prophet Muhammad al-Mustafa [sawa]
Musnad Ibn Hanbal, v. 4, p. 102, no. 11474

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Question : #507 Category: Sexual Ethics & Morals
Subject: entering state of junub question
Question: 1. Does a woman or man enter the state of Janabah, if her husband only penetrates her with no orgasm from either?
2. Does a woman enter the state of Janabah, if her husband reaches orgasm through penetration but uses a condom and she does not reach orgasm?
Answer: Under both situations both husband and wife enter the state of Junub.

The ruling according the major Marja is that if a person has sexual intercourse with a woman and the male organ enters either of the private parts of the woman up to the point of circumcision or more, both of them enter Janabat, regardless of whether they are adults or minors and whether ejaculation takes place or not.

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