Pearl of Wisdom

'There are five things that I will not leave until I die: Eating low [on the ground] with servants, riding donkeys without saddles, milking the goat with my own hands, wearing wool, and greeting children, so that it becomes a tradition after me.'

Prophet Muhammad al-Mustafa [sawa]
Amali al-Saduq, p. 130, no. 117

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Question : #501 Category: Family Issues
Subject: lineage of Sayeds
Question: How does the status of Sayyed get passed down through marriage and birth?
Answer: Salam Alaykum,
The title Sayyid represents males/sons as descendants of Prophet Muhammad through his grandsons, Imam Hasan ibn Ali and Imam Hussain ibn Ali while the title Sayyida represents the females/daughters.

The title is passed down through birth, not marriage, and if both father and mother are Sayyid and Sayyida or the father only is a Sayyid, then both sons or daughters are attributed with this title.

That said, the Sayyida mother and non-Sayyid father sons are not attirbuted the title of Sayyid, but the title of Mirza. The daughters of this relationship are not attributed with any title.

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