Pearl of Wisdom

'Verily Allah, Mighty and Exalted, has placed the believers' livelihoods whence they do not anticipate it to come, and that is because when the servant does not know the location of his livelihood, his supplication for it increases.?

Imam Ja'far ibn Muhammad al-Sadiq [as]
al-Kafi, v. 5, p. 84, no. 4

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Question : #496 Category: Death Issues
Subject: at the time of death
Question: what happens when one dies such as the fact that the angel of death will come...
like that
Answer: During the last moments of man's life, angles arrive and stand on his right side. Likewise the Satans (devils) also approach him and stand on the left side of the deathbed (Ibid). The job of Satans is to deceive and betray, particularly at the time of death so that, if that person has any faith, it could be destroyed.

Much has been mentioned in narrations about comfort and discomfort at the time of death. In some, it (the trouble or pain) has been compared with the pain experienced when one's skin is dragged out. In some it is said that the death time pain is much less compared to the revolving of a large stony door of a castle having nails, in one's eyes. In yet another narration it is said that the death time pain is like that experienced when one's body is cut into pieces by scissors or torn with a saw. So it has come to notice that some dying persons have suffered pains beyond description which make the observers tremble.

But, on the other hand, for some persons dying has been as pleasing as of smelling a fragrant glower. In some traditions it is mentioned by the impeccable that, for some people, death is like taking off dirty clothes and putting on clean dress. In some other narrations it is compared with liberating the body from chains and yokes, as if death is like being freed from the jail of this material world.

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