Pearl of Wisdom

'There are three things that if are not present with someone then their actions are incomplete: piety preventing one from disobeying Allah, a character through which one is amicable towards people, and clemency with which to deal with the rashness of the ignorant.'

Prophet Muhammad al-Mustafa [sawa]
Ibid. p. 116, no. 1

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Question : #494 Category: Dress & Clothing
Subject: are we allowed to get tattoo?
Question: is it against the muslim religion if i get a tatto?
Answer: No it is not against the religion, tattooing on the skin is permitted on the condition that it does not harm the body.

However it is forbidden to tattoo profane images or pornographic images and the like.
Follow Up
May I ask what is the source of this?

Surely for woman there is a Hadith that they should not make blue marks on their bodys. (Godna, i.e. small drills with the needles and then filling colour) which is exactly like tattos.

I would say that there is no specific with Hadith because no men were doing this. I understand there is no specific Hadith for men but we have to conclude that if it is not permitted for women then it is twice not permitted for men.

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