Pearl of Wisdom

'This world is a transitory place and not a permanent one. The people therein are of two types, the man who has sold his self [to his passions] and thus ruined it, and the man who has purchased his self control against his passions] and thus freed it.'

Imam Ali ibn Abi Talib [as]
Ibid. Saying 133

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Question : #483 Category: Social Interaction
Subject: treatment of homosexuals
Question: How is one supposed to treat people that are homosexual/transsexual in their society?
Answer: Performance with the same sex is not accepted in all religions. People who are desired with this thought should seek cure to it so they can live a healthy life.

Submission to the right to practice such kind of sex does not solve the problem.

instead, it complicates it since sex is not a pure desire, it is a bestowal from the Almighty Lord to be used to live happily and establish a family with strong ties that is based on love and compassion where every member in the family can satisfy the emotional need of the others and offer support should other family members suffer from the hardships of life.

The said relations can not be achieved by homosexuals. They should seek to remove these thoughts, and it's our responsibility to assist these people by either discussing about the spiritual, physical, sociological, and meta physical in order they can live a life as intended by Allah.

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