Pearl of Wisdom

'The Imam after me is al-Hasan, and after Hasan his son al-Qa'im [lit. the one who will rise], the one who will fill the land with fairness and justice just as it was filled with tyranny and oppression.?

Imam Ali ibn Muhammad al-Hadi [as]
Bihar al-Anwar, v. 50, p. 239, no. 4

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Question : #474 Category: Dress & Clothing
Subject: wearning shorts in public, Sistani
Question: What is Sayed Sistani's ruling on men wearing shorts in public?
Answer: There is a verse in the Qur'an (24:30) that addresses the key aspects of physical modesty for men.

"Say to the believing men that they cast down their looks and guard their private parts; that is purer for them; surely Allah is aware of what they do."

Men are to cover a signifant amount (naval to knee is recommended) although there isn't a specific ruling from the Marja's on this.

That said, Imam Sajad (as) states that clothing should be respectable - so relative to the envionrment whereas wearing shorts or short sleeve shirts in the Muslim world may be considered disrespectable compared to being dressed like that in the Western countries during Summer.

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