Pearl of Wisdom

Verily on the day of the battle of 'Uhud, your women were behind the Muslims delivering the last strokes to the wounded from among the polytheists... when Abu Sufyan came and said, 'I esteem Hubal!' So The Prophet (SAWA) told [the Muslims] to say, 'Allah is the Most Sublime and The Most Exalted', so they said, 'Allah is the Most Sublime and the Most Exalted!' Then Abu Sufyan said, 'We have 'Uzza on our side and you do not!' So the Prophet told them to say, 'Allah is our Guardian and the disbelievers have no guardian.'

Ibn Mas'ud
al-Durr al-Manthur, v. 2, p. 345

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Question : #471 Category: Family Issues
Subject: Tafsir of Holy Quran
Question: Salam A'Leikum
"...wean your child till age of two years..." (Holy Quran)
My daughter is just 2 years, but it looks like she will still be wanting breast milk still time to come. Is this ok? What is the ruling? How long can you breast feed till? Is there a limit?

Jazak Allah Khair for your time and effort.
Answer: Wa Aleakom Al Salam Wa Rahmatullah.
we have no limit in our practical low about this issue.
but it is recommended to feed our kids (breast milk) 2 complete years, not more , according to Ahlulbayt (sw) narrations.

asalokom al dua.
ya ALI.

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