Pearl of Wisdom

'Speak the truth even if it entails your own ruin, for verily your deliverance is therein... and abandon falsehood even if it entails your deliverance, for truly therein is your ruin. Pleased or Angered

Imam Musa ibn Jafar al-Kadhim [as]
Tuhaf al-'Uqul, p. 408

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Question : #467 Category: Medical Issues
Subject: Marijuana as medical aid
Question: Marijuana greatly helps people dying of cancer,and is sometimes prescribed by physicians. If Marijuana is used for these kind of medical purposes is it Haraam?

Thank You
Answer: 1. If it is scientifically (by real scientists) proven that Marijuana is truly useful for medical purposes,

2. If is prescribed by a trustworthy expert in the fields of the actual disease and Marijuana (not as a user but as a scientist),

3. There is not an equal or better alternative,

Then it is permitted to use it only for medical purposes & only for the
actual disease that it treats.

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