Pearl of Wisdom

when asked about the traits of the fool said, 'He is one who is proud of himself and his own opinion, who sees all good traits as coming from himself and sees no one better than himself, who has decided that all rights are his and others have no right over him, so this is the fool for whom there is no cure for his disease.?

Prophet Jesus [as]
al-Ikhtisas, p. 221

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Question : #458 Category: Marriage - Muta'
Subject: Muta as an occupation
Question: Is it haram for a woman to make a living at mutah by marrying a man for a short period, receiving a mahr, then observing iddah and marrying another man for a short period and so on so that she is married to say half a dozen men in the year?

If it is haram what makes it haram if she is observing the rules for mutah properly? And if it is not haram, does she deserve to be condemned as immoral (or do the men who marry her deserve that)?
Answer: It is not haram for her to make a living in this way if she follows the rules of Sharia properly. Nor does she deserve to be condemned. This also applies to the men who marry her.
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Please, what is the difference between this and prostitution?

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