Pearl of Wisdom

in what is attributed to him in Mishba al-Shari'a': 'The best advice is that which does not carry the statement beyond the limits of honesty, nor the act the limits of sincerity.'

Imam Ja'far ibn Muhammad al-Sadiq [as]
Misbah al-Shari'a, p. 395

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Question : #457 Category: Medical Issues
Subject: male gynecologists with female patients
Question: Over here in States most of the gynecologists are male and sometimes it
becomes very difficult to find a good doctor close to home. In States I
have seen many Muslim ladies going to male doctors who deliver their

Can Muslim women go to male gynecologists ?
Answer: The rule regarding this is that a person is required to see a doctor of the same sex when touching and examination of the private parts are involved.

Exceptions can be made when there is an emergency or a lack of availability of a doctor of the same sex. Also, when there is a question of competence, a person can opt for a more qualified doctor of the opposite sex if the issue of competence is vital to one's health.

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