Pearl of Wisdom

The friends of Allah are those who look at the inward aspect of the world while the other people look at its outer aspect; they busy themselves with its remoter benefits while the other people busy themselves in the immediate benefits. They kill those things which they fear would have killed them, and they abandon here in this world what they believe would abandon them. They take the amassing of wealth by others as a small matter and regard it as a loss. They are enemies of those things which others love while they love things which others hate. Through them the Qur'an has been learnt and they have been given knowledge through the Qur'an. With them the Qur'an is staying while they stand by the Qur'an. They do not see any object of hope above what they hope in and no object of fear above what they fear.'

Imam Ali ibn Abi Talib [as]
Nahj al-Baldgha, Saying 432

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Question : #447 Category: Women's Issues
Subject: smoking while pregant
Question: Is it allowed for a pregnant woman to smoke while the doctors say that the foetus is affected by the smoking of its mother?
Answer: If smoking causes substantial harm to a male or female smoker or to the foetus, then it is prohibited, whether he/she is a beginner or is addicted, assuming that he/she would not suffer substantial harm by quitting.

As for the one who would suffer harm by quitting, he/she should consider which one is less harmful: to continue smoking or to quit, and act accordingly.

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