Pearl of Wisdom

when asked to explain the terms: sunnah [Prophetic practice], innovation, congregation and division, said, 'By Allah, the sunnah is the tradition of Muhammad (SAWA); innovation is anything that deviates from it; the congregation is the gathering of people who are with the truth, even if they are few in number; and division is the dissention of people who are with falsehood, even if they be many in number.'

Imam Ali ibn Abi Talib [as]
Kanz al-'Ummal, no. 1644. Bihar al- Anwar, v. 2, p. 266, no. 23

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Question : #444 Category: Food & Drinks
Subject: imported meat
Question: Is it permissible to eat, buy and sell imported chickens from Muslim countries on which is written the phrase Slaughtered in the Islamic Manner?
Answer: It is permissible for you to eat, buy and sell them as long as you do not know that they were not slaughtered (in the Islamic manner), whether the previously mentioned phrase is written on them or not.
Follow Up
And if these (chickens) are imported from non-Muslim countries and written on them is the phrase Slaughtered in the Islamic Manner?
Follow Up Response
It is not permissible for you to eat them if you are not confident that they have truly been slaughtered in the Islamic manner and not just claimed to be.

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