Pearl of Wisdom

'The Hand of Allah hovers above the head of the judge with mercy. If he gives unjust rulings, Allah entrusts him to his own self.'

Imam Ali ibn Abi Talib [as]
al-Kafi, v. 7, p. 410, no. 1

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Question : #442 Category: Food & Drinks
Subject: Islamic chefs with non-Halal meat
Question: Is it permissible for a Muslim to cook that which was not slaughtered in the Islamic manner, knowing that he has no connection to selling or serving it?

What is the ruling with respect to serving food that is ritually impure [not slaughtered in the Islamic manner] or conveying it to non-Muslims?
Is there a difference in this between pork and other things?
Answer: There is no objection to cooking that which is not slaughtered in the Islamic manner or serving it to those who regard it as lawful. However, it is problematic to sell it to them. But there is no objection to taking the money in return for the Muslim seller's relinquishment of his right over it (foodstuff). Alternatively, by rescuing (istinqadh) it (i.e. money from a non-Muslim).

As for pork, it is problematic to serve to those who regard it as lawful and without a doubt disallowed for sale

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